During the month of February we often pause and take time to recognize those we love. We cook special meals, shower loved ones with flowers and chocolate, and spend our evenings filling out little heart shaped cards for our kids to take to school.
It’s a busy time, but as moms it’s our duty to remind our family members just how cherished they are. The only downside…us moms don’t always end up on the receiving end during these heart-filled holidays.
Think about it…
When was the last time you had dinner cooked for you? How long has it been since you’ve been gifted an hour to take a hot bath? Can you remember the last time you were easily able to head to the gym or go out on a walk without having to make childcare plans or rush home to ensure everyone was taken care of?
Self-care is essential when it comes to finding balance and building a healthy body. In fact, making the time to take care of yourself not only benefits your own health and wellbeing, but the wellbeing of everyone in your home.
For that reason, I want to encourage you to make the time to focus on yourself every day from here on out–even if it’s only 30 minutes a day to start!
What kind of self-care should you add into your daily routine? Here are a few ideas to get started…
Make Time for Daily Exercise

After washing loads of laundry, cooking meals, and chasing kids around the house, exercise might be the last thing on your mind…but hear me out!
Daily exercise can radically transform both your mental and physical health.
In fact, just 30 minutes of daily exercise can…
- Reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
- Lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
- Help you manage your blood sugar levels and prevent/manage diabetes.
- Improve your mental health.
- Assist you with weight loss/weight management.
You don’t have to run marathons to reap the benefits of exercise. Go on a walk, take a swim at your local YMCA, or stream a yoga program from the comfort of your own living room.
As long as you’re making the time to purposely get up and move you’re on the right path!
Prepare Well-Balanced Meals at Home

Kids by nature are picky eaters and it’s really tempting to simply throw a pan of dinosaur chicken nuggets in the oven for dinner and call it a day. But, is that really what you want yourself (and your kids) to be eating?
Starting today, allow yourself to choose healthier options that will nourish your body and make you feel good instead of all the pre-frozen junk many of us tend to stock in our freezers.
If your kid decides they are unwilling to eat what you cook, allow them to grab a bowl of yogurt or a peanut butter sandwich–I promise they will survive!
Sure, cooking may be just another chore on your never ending list of chores, but it becomes more pleasant when you can prepare adult foods that nourish your body and mind.
If you really want to take this self-care aspect to another level, try out a meal delivery service that sends already prepared fresh meats, veggies, and fruits to your home. It may be a bit splurgy, but if your budget allows for it, treat yourself!
Make Time to Rest

You’ve got a lot on your plate and over time the pressure of being CEO of your household is going to take its toll. Unfortunately, when you start to feel run down and stressed you don’t always make the best decisions for your body…AKA grabbing a handful of M&Ms for dinner because you just need a little pick-me-up.
As stress and exhaustion build overtime many people begin to neglect getting their daily exercise and fall victim to poor eating habits. Worst of all, a poor mental state can easily make you give up on your health and wellness goals as you fall into “survival mode.”
If you struggle with resting, this is the month to start adopting a new self-care habit.
- Take a nightly bath/hot shower…
- Spend an hour each night reading…
- Watch a movie…
- Take up crafting…
- Call an old friend and chat awhile…
The dishes can wait. Your health and wellbeing is reliant on making time for yourself!
A Partnership in Self-Care and Whole-body Wellbeing

Caring for both your body and mind isn’t always as easy as drinking more water and slapping on a facemask at the end of the day. Self-care is a commitment you need to make to yourself so that you can reach your health and wellness goals.
Sometimes having a partner in the process can make all the difference.
If you’re in need of accountability I’d love to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2021.
Schedule a FREE 15-min Discovery Session to discuss your health and weight loss goals.
Best wishes,

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