I am so excited to share my The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast with Concierge Medicine Today celebrating their 400th episode! I hope you will watch my interview during which I share how and why I launched Lifestyle Changes by Dr. Darby, a Virtual Weight Loss and Primary Care Practice, and how it prospered during the necessity of virtual medicine during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Physician Spotlight: Meet Dr. Janine Darby | DocPreneur Leadership Podcast
I launched Lifestyle Changes in April 2019 with weight loss as my first foray into what has been coined, “concierge medicine.” With my specialty training in obesity medicine, I helped patients to successfully lose weight through a combination of Mindset, Meal Planning, and Movement. The unexpected growth in virtual medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic created another impetus for me to expand my practice to include primary care. During this time, I received requests from younger patients looking to increase immunity and stay ahead of hereditary health risks. These millennials appreciate my scheduling flexibility and use of technology to streamline appointments and communications. Other factors I attribute to the continued growth of telemedicine include:
- Generalized frustration in seeing a doctor promptly
- Safety concerns regarding the spreading of germs
- Awareness about the fragility of one’s health
- More tech-savvy elderly
- Frustration with insurance assigning doctors and limiting the time for visits
- Increase in annual healthcare deductions
Telemedicine is a win-win for everyone. I can meet my mission to be a ‘healer’ by treating the entire person. And my patients feel better taken care of as I am addressing both their immediate needs while examining their overall health. This specialized attention is particularly important to those with chronic health conditions who appreciate my ability to navigate complicated health pathways and to advocate on their behalf.
Yours in health,

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